Retrax® Retraction Cord Packer Series

Retrax® Retraction Cord Packer Series



PT-55 Cord Packer

R-101 Standard Packing Instrument, Plain

R-11 Standard Packing Instrument, Serrated

R-50 Circlet® Packing Instrument, Plain

R-55 Circlet® Packing Instrument, Serrated

R55A Circlet® Packing Instrument, Serrated, Angled

Guyer 7A Packing Instrument, Shovel Head, Angled

A unique line of 7 different styles of packing instruments. All designed in conjunction with industry leading practitioners.

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Rocha Series™ Non-Stick Composite Placing Instruments (ALL 3) ROCHA C PLUGGER WEB.jpg

Rocha Series™ Non-Stick Composite Placing Instruments (ALL 3)

Sale Price:$75.80 Original Price:$113.70
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R-50 Circlet® Packing Instrument, Plain

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KR Series™ Cord Packing Instrument

MicroGrip™ Pro Multi-Task Instrument MICROGRIP PRO 2.jpg

MicroGrip™ Pro Multi-Task Instrument

Promark® Articulation Forceps FORCEPS 4.jpg

Promark® Articulation Forceps
